Dearly Beloved,
Jeremiah 48:10 says, “Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood.”
God is a God of excellence and order. He does not accept just anything. Serving God has principles, precepts, and standards. So, don’t serve Him anyhow. One of the first truths stated in the Bible is the standard of service that God accepts. God hates to be served carelessly. That was what separated Cain from Abel. God accepted Abel’s offering and rejected Cain’s because of the standard and attitude with which they came to Him.
You need to know that any service not up to divine standards generates the wrath of God. God loves us, but He will never accept wrong and mediocre service from any man. God always wants the best.
It is better not to serve God than to serve Him anyhow. God wants us to serve Him, but not at our own standard. Not at your own time but His; not at your own convenience but at His demands. Bring excellence and honour into your service. Any service that you are bringing to God, whether spiritual or physical, must come with honour.
The Lord told me years ago, “My son, I am a serious God; if you take Me seriously, I will take you seriously.” Your service must come to God at the highest level of seriousness.
God does not accept a careless attitude in service. The two sons of Aaron understood that in a very costly way. They brought strange fire into His presence, and He smote them. God deals with details and specifications. He gives details and specifications of how He wants men to serve Him. Don’t serve God carelessly.
Deuteronomy 10:12 says, “And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all His ways, and to love Him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul?” God wants men to serve Him with all their heart and soul. Don’t join the group of people who serve God as if they are doing Him a favour. Serve Him with all your possessions and every capacity that He has given you.
Don’t bring BAD SERVICE to God. BAD SERVICE IS WORSE THAN NO SERVICE. If you are giving anything to God, give Him your best. Don’t serve Him with the leftovers of your time. Don’t bring half-hearted service to God.
Till next time, go and win with Jesus.
God’s Servant,
Rev. Olusola Areogun