From the Father’s Heart 

Dearly Beloved,



Acts 9:18, “And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized”.

Scales fell from Saul’s eyes. The devil uses all kinds of scales to block and blind people’s eyes to their ministry. Scales of sin, tradition, fear, competition, and comparison. Scales can make you see what God is not showing you or make you not see at all. If you are going to have anything in this kingdom, it begins with revelation. What you know of God is not what somebody told you but what you have a revelation of.

2. YOU MUST BE FULL OF THE SPIRIT. It takes the fullness of the Holy Ghost to accept your ministry. Acts 6:3 says Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business”. Why was being full of the Holy Ghost required? The fullness of the Spirit is what enables us to be flexible in the hand of the Holy Ghost.

3. YOU MUST HAVE A KEEN SENSE OF DIVINE TIMING FOR YOUR LIFE. You must understand that God operates by time with man. There is a time and season apportioned to your life differently from someone else. Luke 13:6-9, it does not matter where you go to church; the maximum length of time God expects anybody to operate as a baby is 3 years, and three years is for churches where they are more traditional than revelational. If you are in a church where there is a strong revelation of the word of God, God expects you to begin to produce fruit as a saint after the first year.

4. YOU MUST HAVE THE RIGHT CHURCH MEMBERSHIP. Right church membership helps us to align our gifting, callings and anointing in the light of God’s purpose for us. The reason too many Christians are redundant today is that they are in the wrong churches. You must find out from God in prayer where He wants you to attend church. There is a connection between right church membership and every other thing in your life. When you are in place, every other thing will be in place. When you are not in place, you are in space, and nothing in space grows as far as agriculture is concerned.

5. YOU MUST BE UNDER THE CORRECT LEADERSHIP. Why did God put Saul under Ananias? Ananias was the right person that could lead him from the entry point in the body of Christ to the next bus stop.

6. YOU MUST UNDERSTAND AND PROTECT YOUR DIVINE LINKAGE. For example, Saul and Barnabas. The devil will fight your divine linkage, but you must protect it.

7. YOU MUST HAVE THE WILLINGNESS TO CHANGE. If you are not willing to change, you are not going to enter into the fullness of God’s ministry for your life. The only thing that is permanent in God’s kingdom is CHANGE. You must be flexible and pliable in the hand of the Holy Ghost, especially in moving from level to level.

Till next time, go and win with Jesus.

God’s Servant,

Rev. Olusola Areogun.

© 2022 Sola Areogun Ministries

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