From The Father’s Heart
Dearly Beloved,
Everyone that is on a destiny journey must answer the question of where you are putting your commitment. Commitment is what you have given up your time for, what you have obliged yourself to, your devotion, and your dedication. It refers to what you have personally given allegiance to. You must be careful your commitment is not on the wrong things or things that will not matter on your day of divine reckoning and accountability.
Your commitment can be channelled in four directions. That is, there are four commitment levels you can have:
Commit to God: Your number one commitment as a believer is to God. Your commitment to God is what keeps you secure and prepared for eternity. So stand with God, be devoted, dedicated and oblige yourself to God. Nothing in life must get your attention away from God.
Commit to a vision from God: Many people seek self-carved visions for themselves and commit to them. Eventually, such still fail. But you have the privilege of a God-given vision in the Dream Centre: “…committed to helping Men realize their God-given dreams in life”. You must commit to that. When you commit to the Dream Centre vision, you become a partaker of the vision and also a part and a tool that God can work with to realize that vision.
Commit to your spiritual father: Committing to your spiritual father keeps the prophetic flows and your inheritances in the house open to you. Your level of commitment determines what flows to you in your life. This commitment must be expressed in your loyalty to him. This is what brings your portion to you in the father’s house.
Commit to your spouse: After establishing your primary commitment to God, a vision from God, your spiritual father, then also commit to your spouse. However, you must ensure that your spouse is someone that is committed to the same God, vision and spiritual authority you are committed to.
Till next week, go and win with Jesus.
God’s Servant,
Rev. Olusola Areogun.