Extracted from the book written by Rev. Olusola Areogun titled ” PRAYER BREAKTHROUGHS.”

Psalm 65:1a, “PRAISE is awaiting you, O God in Zion.”

Most of the time, the order in our prayers, both publicly and privately, is petition first, then praise later or not at all. Very few Christians have learnt to tap the power that lies in praise. There is more power released when you praise than when you pray! Does it sound untrue? First, praise is an act of your faith in God. Second, praise glorifies God and recognises the sovereignty of God over all things. By praising God, you tell him that you know He can and will do it.

At the tomb of Lazarus, Jesus said (John 11: 41b), ” Father, I THANK YOU that you have heard me. That is praise! “

Psalm 22:3, “But you are holy who inhabits the praise of Israel.”

What this means is when you praise God, He comes down and sits enthroned upon your praises. Can you imagine that? God makes your praise His throne! Notice something significant. When we pray, we go unto His presence to present our petitions.

When we praise Him, he comes down and sits upon our praises, and things beyond our wildest imagination begin to happen.

Psalm 100: 4-5 (GNT), “Enter the Temple gates with thanksgiving; go into its courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise Him.”

Praise from your lips is something so beautiful that God cannot resist it.

Psalm 33:1 (NKJV) says, “Rejoice in the LORD, O you righteous! For praise from the upright is beautiful. “

Praise and thanksgiving characterise the life of a person who is filled with the spirit and word of God (Ephesians 5:18- 19, Colossians 3:16). When you enter this realm, you begin to enjoy the rest of God.

The highest form of worship and fellowship that you can have with the Father comes when you begin to praise Him – Psalm 50:23

What I am saying is this- begin to UN-ASHAMEDLY PRAISE Him anywhere, both privately and publicly.

Praise brings some of the most wonderful releases of the spirit you will ever know.

Proverbs 28:12, “When the righteous men do rejoice, there is GREAT GLORY.”

The glory of God all through the Bible is synonymous with His actual presence! What this means is this. When the righteous (and you are one if you are born again 2 Cor. 5:21) rejoice (a form of praise), there is a great manifestation of the presence of Jehovah.

You can get your copy of the Book ” PRAYER BREAKTHROUGHS” from the Abundant Life House online bookstore.

This is not a book for those who ‘fancy praying’ but for everyone who is ready to know God intimately and become his contact person among men. Read this book, study it, meditate on it, practise it and see God take you over for His purpose and for your generation! In this book, you’ll discover:

– The Value of Praise in Prayer

– How your vows represent you before God

– The Priority of God’s word

– How-to walk-in Redemption

– How to Apprehend the boldness of a son

– The Results of Having a Prayer Breakthrough

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