A lot of times, when God sees your sincerity and the genuineness of your desire to grow in faith, He comes out to meet you at the point of that faith with a fantastic miracle. God will not help you to become weak in faith, to become lazy about practising faith. If somebody is genuine and thinks he doesn’t have too much faith and feels his faith is small, but the one he has, he is ready to practice what he is hearing. He wants to start believing in God for small things, God begins to meet him because God always helps our faith. It is the devil that helps doubt.

God does not help us to doubt Him, God Helps us to believe Him more. And if God sees that genuineness in your heart and sincerity in you to live by faith, He will stretch a hand of help in your direction. When Peter said, “Master if it is you that is walking on the water, tell me to come.” Jesus didn’t say, “Your own is too much; you are too forward.” On the contrary, He told him to come. “Come on and experience the supernatural.” And he started walking, and the master was encouraging him until he got so close to Jesus, and he took his eyes off Jesus.

He saw the waves boisterous and the winds noisy, and the Bible says, “He began to sink,” beginning to sink, the Bible does not say He sank. Beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, “Master, help me.” And the Lord gave him a hand and pulled him out and said: “Why did you doubt?” That is, the Master was enjoying it because he was walking by faith. It is like the Master is cheering you up any time you are walking in faith. He’ll say, “Go on boy, go on daughter, go on my son. You are just close to the miracle just keep going, just keep going.” And all the champions of faith are cheering you up.

Culled from my book “Are You Believing Right?”

Get a copy of the book from our online store at abundantlifehouse.org


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