Dearly Beloved,
Until you take personal responsibility, things can be on pause in your life.
These are the other things that work for us in Christ.
1. The Covenant of the Word of God
What does the Bible say concerning you? It says, “with long life will I satisfy you and show you the salvation of the Lord.”
If God said that to Israel, we would have a more excellent covenant with Him. If the sun can set and still rise tomorrow, no power of man, no power of hell combined, can defeat a covenant carrier.
God said that if you can cancel my covenant with the day, that the sun will not rise, you can cancel my covenant with Israel; IT IS NOT POSSIBLE!
God is a covenant keeper. Your matter is the matter of the covenant.
As a Dream Centre member, you also have a share, and you are a part and a partaker of the COVENANTS THE LORD HAS CUT WITH US IN THIS HOUSE.
2. The Confession of the Word of God
Isaiah 54:17. When you put the word of God in your mouth, you are putting His covenant in your mouth.
God cannot abandon His covenant and let His word go to waste. Jer. 1:12, Heb. 13:5-6 “for he hath said…so that we may boldly say.”
All these things are what you must work on; I have proven them to me. It is time to start proving that these things work. Every test that comes puts out your faith. When you declare the word of the Lord, Heaven moves.

Kenneth E. Hagin prayed for his wife at a time. She had a goitre, and she had a dream that she would die.
And God told Kenneth E. Hagin that “in the eternal scheme of things, she was appointed to die, but because you asked, it was waved.”

How I love you to know the power you have because you ask? The power of a covenant carrier.
Can you pray for your family members even though they cannot pray for themselves but because you have a standing with God? Can you lay hold on the word on their behalf and deliver them out of the mouth of the lion?
Then, when you put the word of God in your mouth, God sees to it that the word comes to pass! The word will not return to Him void!
Till next week, go and win with Jesus.
God’s Servant,
Rev. Olusola Areogun.

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